This is the page you will first see when you tap a key ring to claim. Start by entering your first name, no surname needed, (so never a connection between your full name and your number plate).

Elizabeth will then automatically populate your unique page. If you have those important dates, you should add them. If not just skip.

Add your number plate, including gaps.

Fill in if you can or skip

Hit login button on the home page. Add your number plate and password. Not case sensitive and include any gaps. Password is automatically set to : password. See below on how to change it.

Once logged in, you can change your password here, under My Details.

You can also change your name (if you sell your car)

Image of Public View. This you can see every time you tap your key ring, when not logged in.

When logged in you can add some notes to appear in your print out. They do not save.

Add notes like this. It does not like any & or ' or % signs. Keep editing to clean up print out.

Best to print off from a computer. Display on your fridge or in your car as a visual reminder is so important

You can scan the QR code to see your public details or enter your unique url. The %20 represents a gap , so enter in your browser.

Toggle between public and private with a simple click and then save

Add any notes you wish and make public or private

Some details in public view

Now hidden in private view are those two notification phone and email.